Living the Rich LiFe

Living the Rich LiFe

Friday, May 30, 2008

Nosey..wanna know what I'm reading??

Like if you know big rich and I, you will know that we are so into Vampires..not like infatuated, and not like we are into their whole blood sucking way, but it's much deeper then that...I guess the story line behind life, and living, and how some of them try to live with the curse..I guess it's easier to explain what we are Buffy is a favorite..that whole story line, it's well written, there's a love story there...and like the Interview with a Vampire...Louie (played by Brad Pitt)spent MANY of years learning to live with the curse and hated what he had become, and he did not want to kill people and drink their blood, Blade is a favorite...he's considered to be a daywalker, his mother was bitten when she was pregnant with him, which made him able to walk in the daylight, and still have the perks of a vampire, their strength, but also their thirst. The movie mentions the different houses which are like Families of Pure breads, a society who exists among the humans,(Vamps who were born Vamps), but there's a difference in survival, and your place on the food chain, if you were a vampire due to being bit by another vampire. See the whole story of it all is what we are's interesting to us...We've read many books, some Ann Rice stuff, James Lowder's Knight of the Black Rose, Aphrodite Jones's The Embrace: A True Vampire Story, and many others...but the Newest one is Stephanie Meyers Twilight Saga.

I cannot put it friend Jill and I were talking about visiting Forks when we are done with the book..I'm so game..but you dont have to be into Vamps to enjoy this's a love story! Like, you'll dig it fo'sho.


curly girl said...

I just finished the 3rd book in the Twilight series and I'm amazed how much I enjoyed them, 'cause I'm not a vampire fan! M thought it was fascinating that her MOM was reading a vampire love story...'cause she's all into those Bailey School Kids books and Animorphs, etc. I don't know how old she'll have to be before I let her read this series, though!

Kristi said...

LOVE THEM!!! I read them over and over. Book 4 comes out Aug 2, and the movie Dec. 12. I got my little sister addicted to it as well.