Living the Rich LiFe

Living the Rich LiFe

Saturday, September 6, 2008


YOu may think you know what is going on with me but...You dont know! You want to assume it's one thing...but You dont know! You honestly think your demons are mine...your weakness is mine...but you dont know. You got it all wrong. I'm not like you...I'm not WEAK:

weak Definition
weak (wēk)


lacking in strength of body or muscle; not physically strong
lacking vitality; feeble; infirm
lacking in skill or strength in combat or competition a weak team
lacking in moral strength or willpower; yielding easily to temptation, the influence of others, etc.
lacking in mental power, or in the ability to think, judge, decide, etc

There are roads I took in life that I will never go down again...and I haven' may, that's why you are WEAK!
You want something like that to be the case in my absence at things...but you dont have no clue. This is you:


Not secure; not confident of safety or permanence; distrustful; suspicious; apprehensive of danger or loss.

Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss.

You dont know..You have no's pretty simple though...I'm tired! No other excuse! Distracted by family functions....lazy sometimes..but that's it! You always appear to want something to be wrong with folks...something so that you can apply your WISDOM, & SUGGESTIONS to a more HAPPIER life..but really..really!
I'm stronger then you think...nothing else keeps me away but the reason I stated above..things I need to work on is finding the strength, not being lazy...but once dont know that..and there is a reason why you dont know.
You, think...but you dont know...I'm nothing like you...Keep your DEMONS...their not MINE!

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