Living the Rich LiFe

Living the Rich LiFe

Friday, September 5, 2008

Looking Forward

Team Rich is sooooo excited for this day. We all have been sharing our thoughts and input about it all. The boys said they wanted to carry the rings, and they wanted to do this and that. Bear is excited the most. I had asked her to be one of my brides maids, and she just teared up and started balling! You think she was happy??? I told her that I took that as a yes. From the year 2006 when we were sealed as a family, I just knew that our kids TEAM RICH (I alway reffer to them as that) would always be a close and tight unit. We are TEAM RICH because the word team just says it all for us. There is no "I" in team...and in our family, it's about US!

I could not ask for a better bunch. My husband is Amazing, and he makes our lives so enjoyable,fun,exciting, and GREAT!
I joke around about him buying the most expensive love potion from a Witch Dr. that he drops in my drink every day, because every day, I wake up more and more in love..and it is like cloud 9, and it is almost non-existant...most people wouldn't believe what we have..sure there are moments..but they are not like SOME! Our moments dont last long...our marriage has though, and it has been the best 6 years of my ENTIRE life...if these first 6 our like this..I look forward to the next 20.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Hey girl, if you need someone to play music for you give me a call. It's been awhile since I did a wedding, but it's kind of fun too!