Living the Rich LiFe

Living the Rich LiFe

Friday, July 18, 2008

Where in the WHIRL have I been??

I've been MIA from the whole internet thing for sometime now. I never thought that day would come when I just wouldn't have enough time, nor the energy to get on the web and surf, get updates on my friends, post some pix and update my blog and space, check out CL, and check emails. But it Happened. Life has consumed me, and I have been totally exhausted some days that I just don't WANT to get on and see whats going down let alone update anyone. But it has made me feel out of the loop and distant. This is the first job that I have had where it doesn't require a computer in like almost 10 years. Between school
and my familyMy time is pretty much spent. I figure I have a pretty good bunch of friends, who know my dillio, and understand my absence in a lot of our outings and what not, but I miss them! (Door swings both ways though..hehehe) I so need to get a landline phone because you just cannot rely on me to check my email any more..which in the past, that was more of a sure way of contact for me.
I'm trying to move up in my company. Plans have already been put in place for me to start training. My goal is to one day soon be a GM of my own store. Right now since we have to start some where, the Assistant GM position will be just fine. It really all depends on how much training I'm able to get done, and where an opening is. But that's the update on me.Working on my Success in the world of's never work for me because I'm having so much fun. I cannot believe I make smoothies, and have an opportunity to make buka bucks doing it. I came into this only to work locally while attending Pierce, I had no expectations of the job, just to help out as much as I can...and look at where it has and will take me. I have changed my major to help accommodate my new direction. I love my has been a WHIRL of
funa so far and I look forward to a great and promising future..Welcome to WHIRL baby.LiveLifeLiveWellLiveJamba-I'm here to simplify a healthier way of Living! Jamba style..Here are the steps in providing that for you : first we need Juice

then we're gonna DIP for what we need-pretty much the main ingredients
Then were gonna Add your free Opitional FREE BOOST..some Ice, maybe, depending on what you order
And then Whoop that's theres it is...straight from the Whirl, a smoothie with a swirl! And that my friends is what I do...and Money is what I make..Fun huh?? yeah, I love it! Come and see me know where I'll be!