Living the Rich LiFe

Living the Rich LiFe

Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Year

Our Anniversary is creeping up! I have to say that time does fly when your having fun, that's fo'sho! I have enjoyed being married to Bigrich all these years. Nobody know's me better, shoot, I think he knows me better then I know myself. Finding Rich has truly been a journey all in itself though. Lord knows I kissed lots of frogs and toads before my Prince found me. I can honestly say that he is my match in everyway. Sure things were rough and get rough, but never my Marriage..times are hard, but never my marriage! My safe and favorite place is in his arms. It has been great..being married to Rich is the best..I fall Madly deeply in love everyday, I still get Very Excited to see him when we are apart like a giddy high school crush. He has provided so well and so much for the kids and I. I cant believe another year soon. I love you Gregorio! Here's to many more years baby!

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